10 Reasons Why Business Events need a Matchmaking Platform in 2022
10 reasons why you need a matchmaking platform for your b2b event

10 Reasons Why Business Events need a Matchmaking Platform in 2022

Today, exhibitors, sponsors and visitors alike use business events mainly for networking. Here are 10 good reasons why a matchmaking platform makes sense for your B2B.

The profile of business events, conferences and trade fairs has changed dramatically. Once, the focus was on obtaining information  and purchasing (preparation), but today it is very clear that networking is the key.

Because these days you can find both a broad range and in-depth information anywhere. Search engines and the explosion of content marketing mean that there are hardly any blank spots left on the knowledge map for B2B decision-makers – well, actually…

Because decision-makers often don‘t see the wood for the trees. That is why B2B events are helpful – they offer the classification, exchange, and systematisation of knowledge, and, above all: contacts with like-minded people.

What is a business matchmaking platform about?

Matchmaking platforms raise the networking at B2B events to another level entirely.

The concept of a matchmaking platform conceals software that initiates contact between suitable interlocutors. It enables a search for promising contacts based on the user profiles of providers and consumers. But it can do much more. A matchmaking platform can be used to organise communication between event participants before, during, and after a B2B event. Meetings can be arranged, capacities and resources managed.

The matchmaking platform can even handle event marketing and ticketing.

10 reasons to manage your B2B Event with a Matchmaking Platform

Why do your visitors need a business matchmaking platform?

Visitors of a B2B event have always been drawn to networking. Here is why you should do it in a targeted manner with business matchmaking.

1. Better planning

With a matchmaking platform, visitors can plan their visit and make appointments long before the event starts. In this way, visitors come to the event perfectly prepared and don‘t leave networking to chance.

2. Find interesting contacts

Visitors find the contacts that they’re interested in and don’t waste time. They can request appointments, confirm them, but also reject them if they don‘t fit into their plans. By logging in with their social media profiles, they are able to create their profiles quickly and easily.

mobile converve app showing which event attendees you can meet

3. Simple time management

Time management is simplified, because on a platform, visitors have a view of all the dates and the events programme at all times. Of course, via an app on their smartphones as well: Visitors are always fully informed about their appointments at the event.

event agenda inside the converve app

4. Follow up contacts after event

Post-processing is more efficient as well, as visitors can follow up on their appointments and visits via the platform. What was agreed with exhibitor A? Which innovation did exhibitor B offer? Who do I want to know more about? The matchmaking platform makes it possible to collect information and structure your trade fair or congress follow-up.

Why do your exhibitors need a matchmaking platform?

Your exhibitors want and need data from potential visitors even before the event. You can provide this within the platform, so they wont go elsewhere to find this information.

5. Structured data acquisition

Meetings become measurable and success transparent with a matchmaking platform. The success of one’s participation as an exhibitor or sponsor in a business event depends on the number of leads generated at the event. The matchmaking platform provides exhibitors with information on how many contacts were made and the quality of these leads at any time.

6. Improved preparation

Exhibitors already know beforehand who they can expect at the event. They can prepare themselves, plan in and brief the necessary sales staff in a targeted manner. The best example is Meitheal – a hosted buyer event for the Irish tourism industry. Every year, about 700 participants, including 300 event planners from overseas and 400 representatives of Irish tourism, meet in Dublin.

About 26,000 appointment requests are planned and more than 13,000 meetings organized via the matchmaking platform. This video explains how to use the platform:

Why does your business need a matchmaking platform?

Naturally, you already benefit from the matchmaking platform if it brings added value to your visitors and exhibitors. But there is more.

7. Control everything through one software

All the core processes take place on a single platform: from the event website via event marketing to participant matching. No more X different software platforms that are not compatible with each other: with the Converve platform, all the event management processes are managed using one software programme.

8. New monetisation opportunities

Business models in their entirety can be based on the number of meetings that take place at the event. An example: The series of Global Exchange events that deal with topics such as real estate, finance, etc., organised in the US among other destinations. “The Exchange events are the future of how trade fairs should be organised,” says an exhibitor at the Build Exchange (see video statement).

9. Targeted communication

Instead of scattergun mass mailing, the matchmaking platform offers the opportunity to target exhibitors and visitors according to their areas of interest and level of activity. Who is particularly active? VIP customers can be identified by the number and quality of their meetings and committed to the event. Inactive participants can be specifically motivated.

10. Building a community beyond the event

The dream of every event planner is to offer a platform through which participants can get in touch and consolidate their interaction beyond the 2-3 days of the event. Organisers can take a giant step towards making this dream a reality with a matchmaking platform. More and more companies are going one step further by making the platform available to their community all year round.

This offers 3 important advantages:

  • Data & participants remain in the system
  • Many smaller events can be organised throughout the year
  • You build a relationship with your visitors & customers through more frequent touchpoints

Together with LogiMAT, Converve has launched a remote community platform to connect sellers & buyers looking for innovative logistic solutions. The platform makes matchmaking possible 365 days a year.

logimat digital matchmaking platform

We build Your Event, Your Way.

A matchmaking platform for business events offers a win-win situation for event organisers, visitors, exhibitors and sponsors. What opportunities does the Converve platform offer for your event and how can you use it to optimise your networking? We will be happy to answer these questions in a free demo.