Converve: Networking Event Software | Effective B2B Matchmaking

Event matchmaking software to connect people, ideas & resources your way

Use Converve as your event software to set your own custom matchmaking rules and significantly increase the ROI of your events.

Find the right people to talk to

You have enthusiastic participants you’d like to bring together at your event? Our matchmaking software offers your participants the option of making the right connections even before the event. This will allow you to arrange more meetings than ever before!

Our data-driven algorithm analyzes interests and behavior to help your participants find suitable contacts. Request, confirm, or decline meetings with just one click. Your participants will be connected and ready to network in no time.

Teilnehmer Übersicht in der Converve App. Zeigt Vorschläge für ideale Meetingpartner
converve matchmaking algorithm cotaining attendees, behaviour, time, keywords and secret sauce

Determine your own matchmaking rules

You stay in control and decide according to which keywords you want to find matches, filter, and search. Based on your specifications, our software makes optimal networking recommendations for visitors.

Make sure your participants don’t waste any time in redundant meetings. With Converve, your users can focus on the truly relevant contacts. This will lead to new, valuable business relationships.

Make meetings measurable

Who met with whom? How many contacts were established? What was the quality of these leads? Our meeting matrix gives you an overview of all the key figures in the B2B area. Show your sponsors the value and success of your event.

The event is over? Not a problem! Offer your participants the option of staying in touch afterwards. Keep the matchmaking and networking platform active as long as you want and start building a dedicated event community.

little robot sitting at a desk and acting as the converve matchmaking software mascot

Would you like to talk to our experts and learn how customised matchmaking software can support your events?

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